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What to Expect When You're Expected at a Trek Convention
A simple (and not so simple) guide to the Star Trek Convention
Let's be honest, we all have different tastes and expectation when it comes to enjoying a Star Trek convention. For some it's watching a handful of high-profile Trek stars on stage, a leisurely wander through the vendors room, and topping the day off with a novelty t-shirt and a handful of pics as souvenirs. For others it's an all day, all night, Cosplay, photo-op, shopping spree, with a healthy serving of network building and connecting with friends you see only at the convention - like summer camp for the Starfleet crowd. But whatever your tastes and convention goals, there are a few things for which you should be prepared.
Uniforms: Optional
The first question I'm asked by friends and coworkers is “What costume did you wear?” Personally, I'm not a costume guy - doesn't happen to be my cup of (Earl Grey) tea. So if you're stressing out about needing to find the Trek uniform of your dreams, don't sweat it - just have fun. If you are a Cosplay, uniform, costume fan - go crazy! A Star Trek convention is by far the best place to show off your innovation, creativity, and sewing skills - certainly beats wearing your Borg costume to the DMV.
We Are Not Alone
Despite the perception that Star Trek convention fans are few and far between - and perhaps are a bit more fanatic than fan - conventions are usually quite well attended. The grand daddy of them all, Creation Entertainment's annual Las Vegas convention, regularly gets three to five thousand attendees. So feel free to get your geek on - you're in very good company.
Gold Pressed Latinum
Speaking as a regular attendee of the Las Vegas convention, the price of fandom can add up. Autographs, photos with your favourite Trek Captain, a t-shirt (or four), event tickets, dinner, hotel, transportation - etc, etc. whew! Don't get me wrong, it's totally worth it, just remember not to cash in your airline ticket or spend all your gas money or you'll end up living in the convention centre. On the plus side, you'll be first in line for next year's convention.
Youre Not On Risa Anymore
I'm not going to fall back on the old cliche, expect the unexpected - because frankly, if you could expect the unexpected, it would be the expected and that's hardly worth being expectant of (or has my logic failed me?).
What I will say is, that as long as I've been going to conventions - on and off for (dare I say) thirty years - it's never the same twice. For the last few years I've gone to a convention once, maybe twice, a year and whenever I start to get jaded or consider taking a break from the annual trek to Vegas, something special stands out to make the convention experience unique. It could be big like the addition of a favourite actor or something small like a tearful question from a greatful fan - so expect the unexpected (alright, I fell for the cliche).
And by all means, enjoy yourself!